RWC Launches Product Training Program With The Home Depot

On April 25, the RWC Training Center held its first product training for 22 Plumbing merchants, merchant planners and staff from The Home Depot Headquarters in Atlanta, GA. The half-day training kicked off in the morning with an overview of RWC brands and featured a simulated building where participants performed their own plumbing installations that afternoon.
Our goal is to engage people with diverse backgrounds in plumbing - from the novice to the pro - and show them the features and benefits of our products.
“For example, we could just tell you that PEX is flexible and easy to use. But it’s a whole different story when we can show you in person.”
Additionally, RWC Product Training provided an opportunity to showcase new products and innovations. In light of RWC’s recent acquisitions of HoldRite and John Guest, and the launch of ProLock™, and PE-RT, the timing was ideal.
During the training, participants were split into groups to learn about plumbing components in four major rooms of a home: the bathroom, kitchen, laundry room and water heater area. They also learned how to run and cut pipe, make connections with fittings and install appliances.
“At the end of the day, when we completed the appliance installations, everyone cheered. It was great to see because with all the appliances installed, our training area looked like a real house,” Bradosky said. “The participants stood back and had their ‘Aha!’ moment when they saw all they had accomplished in a short time.”
Bradosky also told us that one of the most beneficial aspects of the RWC Product Training was that it strengthened the relationship between RWC and The Home Depot. “Everyone was so appreciative,” she said. “The entire [Home Depot] merchandising team took out the majority of their day to attend this training, and that was huge. It really showed us that product knowledge is important to them, and we’re excited to support their training needs.”
RWC plans to continue product education initiatives for large organizations like The Home Depot, as well as smaller plumbing businesses, new plumbers, and many more. Trainings can be tailored to the customer based on their educational needs and what is important to their individual trade. Inquire or register here for RWC Training Opportunities.