Choosing EvoPEX For Rough-In Plumbing

You’ve seen how complex and challenging it can be at times to replace the plumbing in an existing home, from understanding and fulfilling your customer’s expectations to finishing up the job on time and on budget.
That’s because a built-in double whammy comes with most remodel jobs – the customer who appreciates the craftsmanship of an older home is often the same customer who relishes the convenience and reliability of newer technologies.
The homeowner’s goals are to preserve the style, improve the function, and safeguard the investment. The contractor wants speed and predictability. You want quality, profitability and a satisfied customer.
It’s not a pipe dream. SharkBite plumbing solutions give you the versatility to overcome a multitude of challenging situations, plus greater speed and efficiency. With more than 250 million fittings installed, they are proven and their ease of use helps reduce install errors and customer callbacks. After all, providing homeowners with quality work, while giving them their home back faster, leads to higher customer satisfaction.
Expand your options
Designed for maximum flexibility and versatility, SharkBite lets you tackle plumbing challenges that are too time and labor-intensive (or even impossible) using specialized tools or traditional pipe joining methods. Easy to install and disassemble, with no special tools, flames or solvents needed, SharkBite simplifies connections in even the tightest spaces, worst conditions or the most complex applications.
Quote more accurately
SharkBite makes it easy to plan each job. By eliminating surprises and situations that slow you down, SharkBite lets you gauge your costs with greater confidence and accuracy.
Schedule more realistically
Planning and adhering to construction schedules is one of the toughest challenges of retrofits. With its fast, easy installation and the versatility to connect multiple types of pipe materials, the SharkBite system lets you define an action plan and build a schedule you can stick to.
Work more productively
SharkBite helps you get in and out, minimizing time, maximizing quality, and showcasing your skills and talents.
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Read more: Why EvoPEX is also ideal for commercial new construction projects.